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Training the Trainers has a ripple effect across Guangdong Province

May 2011

Guangdong Province is the most populated province in China and there is a strong demand there to raise the overall standard of the nursing profession. In response to this, the HKU School of Nursing conducted a Training-of-Trainer Programme in the Province from March 2010 to August 2011.


Since March 2010, HKU School of Nursing’s Training-of-Trainer Programme has trained 180 nurse managers and educators from 21 cities in Guangdong. The participants then acted as nurse trainers, further transferring their knowledge and skills to more than 25,000 nurses in the Province, which represents a critical mass of around 20% of its 128,000 nurse population.

Through the programme, nurse managers improved their management skills, nurse educators advanced their teaching skills, and community nursing with a focus on raising awareness of chronic disease prevention and tobacco dependency treatment training was promoted.

The HKU trainers were encouraged to see the participants employing innovative initiatives to improve systems that enhance the overall capability and capacity of their working units and hospitals. These initiatives are helping to achieve the ultimate goal of advancing the overall standards of healthcare on the Mainland. “I can witness a paradigm shift in her”, a supervisor commented on her subordinate nurse after the training.

This first-of-its-kind programme was made possible with a donation of HK$5 million from the Temasek Foundation, Singapore. It was the first time the Foundation awarded a grant to a university in Hong Kong.


Through lectures, tutorials, workshops, group discussions and field visits to hospitals in Hong Kong and Guangdong, participants were empowered as nurse trainers to impart their knowledge and skills to other nurses on the Chinese Mainland.

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