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Support The University of Hong Kong, be a part of future breakthroughs.

All donations should be made payable to "The University of Hong Kong". Donations to The University of Hong Kong, under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are tax-deductible as it is an educational institution of a public character (Cap 1053 University of Hong Kong Ordinance). Donations are cumulative. Donations over HK$20,000 are eligible for HKU Foundation memberships 

In line with the University's sustainability initiatives and be more environmentally friendly, official donation receipts will be issued to donors in electronic format via email with effect from July 1, 2017.  To facilitate monthly donors in their tax return filing, electronic official donation receipts will be provided in April every year. 


Donation Receipts

The University welcomes charitable gifts from overseas. Donations from Canadian, UK and US donors are eligible for tax deduction/relief in their respective countries, and may also count towards membership of the HKU Foundation. 

From Overseas

    • HKU has been prescribed by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency as a qualified donee outside Canada. 

    • Please use cheques or credit cards issued by Canadian banks. 

    • Please provide full name and address in Canada. 

    Canada Prescribed University

    • Friends of HKU facilitates donations from US citizens (or residents), as well as corporations and foundations, in support of the University's various development programmes. 

    • Donations made via the US Friends of HKU are eligible for US tax deductions under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. 

    • Choose your payment method: 

    • Make cheques payable to "Friends of the University of Hong Kong, Ltd" and send to: 
      Mrs. Monica Yeung 
      Executive Director 
      Friends of The University of Hong Kong 
      1321 Sydney Drive, Sunnyvale 
      CA 94087 

    • Donate Online. 

    • For details, please visit: 

    US Friends of HKU

    • The UK Friends of HKU was initiated by HKU alumni in the UK. It is registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in England and Wales in June 2018 with the Registered Charity Number 1178832. Donations to UK Friends of HKU are eligible for UK Gift Aid. 

    • The mission of the UK Friends of HKU is to support the advancement of education connected with HKU and its past and present students. It facilitates donations from organisations and individuals in the UK to support the various development programmes of HKU. 

    • Choose your payment method 

    • Make crossed cheque payable to "UK Friends of HKU" (Please note all donations should be in GBP) and send to: 
      UK Friends of HKU 
      11 Garfield Mews 
      SW11 5GZ 

    • Direct Deposit to "UK Friends of HKU" with details as follows. Please provide proof of payment by email to

    • Bank Name: The Bank of East Asia Limited 

    • Bank Address: The Bank of East Asia Limited, London Branch, 75 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W1D 5BB 

    • Account Holder: UK Friends of HKU 

    • Sort Code: 30-00-98 

    • Account Number - 2201 1001 

    • For details, please visit: 

    UK Friends of HKU

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