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  • Through its investment income, HKU Foundation has supported a host of projects in various areas with an aim of benefiting local as well as global communities. Donations to the University can be designated for specific projects or units in accordance with the benefactors’ wishes. These contributions can support the funding of academic research, scholarships, bursaries and development projects.

  • Donations channeled through the HKU Foundation Seed Grants Allocation Exercise can be either earmarked for specific projects in accordance with donors' wishes, or become part of the Foundation endowment from which income generated will be allocated to support worthy causes selected through the annual Allocation Exercise. The following highlights some of the Seed Grants funded projects:

    - HKU Foundation Scholarships for Outstanding Students
    - HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchanges Programme
    - University Postgraduate Fellowship Scheme
    - First-in-the-Family Education Fund

    For other projects funded by the HKU Foundation and highlights of major donations (HK$1 million or more), please refer to our Annual Reports.

  • Board of Directors

    Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Chairman
    Dr Colin K Y Lam, Deputy Chairman
    Professor C F Lee, Deputy Chairman
    Dr Patrick Poon Sun-Cheong, Deputy Chairman
    Mr David Fong Man-Hung
    Ms Pansy Ho
    Mr Andrew K F Lee
    Dr Edwin Leong
    Dr the Hon Sir David Li Kwok-Po
    Dr David Mong Tak-Yeung
    Mr Robert K K Shum
    Dr Ambrose So
    Mr David Ying-Kit Wong
    Mr Joseph C C Wong

    Professor Rosie Young, Honorary Lifetime Chairperson
    Professor Xiang Zhang, President and Vice-Chancellor, ex-officio

    Foundation Secretariat
    Mr Tony Lo, Company Secretary (Director of Finance)
    Mr Raymond Chan, Compliance Officer (Assistant Director of Finance)
    Ms Katerina Au, Assistant Manager
    Ms Pauly Wan, Membership Executive

    Disbursement Committee
    Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Chairman
    Dr Colin K Y Lam
    Dr Patrick Poon Sun-Cheong
    Mr Robert K K Shum
    Professor Richard Y C Wong

  • Categories of Membership

    Donation (HK$)

    Honorary Patron*


    Honorary President*


    Honorary Director*


    Honorary Advisor*


    Voting Member*


    Senior Member


    Ordinary Member


    *with full voting rights

The University of Hong Kong, established in 1911 and with its origin tracing back to 1887, is the first university in the territory and one of the first tertiary institutions in the region. It has nurtured leaders and grown with the history and aspirations of Hong Kong. Thousands of our graduates continue to serve Hong Kong and lead with great distinction and commitment. Here is a citadel of knowledge for Hong Kong, China and the world.

The HKU Foundation comprises individual and corporate benefactors who share the mission of the University. A Board of Directors is responsible for the fund administration, while allocation is conducted through an annual Seed Grants exercise. The University’s Development & Alumni Affairs Office serves as the Secretariat of the HKU Foundation.

Eligible to special Membership of HKU Senior Common Room

Enjoy year-round admission to the historic clubhouse on HKU campus

All Members
Exclusive access to HKU activities 

Attend HKU seminars, exhibitions, forums and concerts with priority seating

All Members
Eligible to special membership of Centre for Sports and Exercise

Access to the sport premises, facilities and programmes

All Members
Associate Membership of HKUAA

Eligible to membership of the longest-standing alumni association of HKU

All Members
Acknowledgement on Annual Report

Recognition in HKU Foundation annual reports and collateral materials

All Members
Attend exclusive events and be part of HKU’s special moments

Attend exclusive events to get connected and share HKU's special moments

All Members


HHY building entrance


The HKU Foundation* was established in 1995 as a charitable organisation to support the University’s dream and advancement as it contributes to the local and global communities.

* The University of Hong Kong Foundation for Educational Development and Research (in full)

About the Foundation Chamber

Opened in 1919, Hung Hing Ying Building sits squarely in front of the Main Building. The central dome, entrance portico and balanced architectural proportions are strongly neoclassical, while its red brick walls complement the Edwardian Baroque aesthetics of the earlier Main Building.

In 1995, the Hong Kong Government declared the Exterior of Hung Hing Ying Building a monument.

The Foundation Chamber is located inside this historic building, together with the Endowed Professorship Gallery.

Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Report 2022-23
Annual Report 2021-22
Annual Report 2021-22
Annual Report 2020-21
Annual Report 2020-21
Annual Report 2019-20
Annual Report 2019-20
Annual Report 2018-19
Annual Report 2018-19
Annual Report 2017-18
Annual Report 2017-18
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