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Recognising nine distinguished members of the Hong Kong community for their accomplishments which ma


Dec 2009

Each year, HKU bestows a number of honorary fellowships on distinguished individuals who merit special recognition for outstanding achievement and distinction in a field consonant with the mission of the University. An honorary fellowship is one of HKU’s most significant accolades.

In December 2008, HKU presented the Honorary University Fellowships to nine distinguished individuals, in recognition of their contributions to the University and the community. They were:

Mr Robert Allcock Mr Po Yang Chung Ir Dr the Hon Raymond C T Ho Ms Leonie Man Fung Ki Mr Colin Ko Yin Lam Dr Sarah Sau Tung M Liao Dr Lawrence Ming Loy Ng Ms Esther Chi Lan Suen Dr Allan Chi Yun Wong.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Lap-Chee Tsui described the awardees as true examples of courage and leadership who have shown, in thought and deed, how deeply they appreciate the value of education and how important the welfare of society is to them.

The presentation ceremony was presided by Dr The Hon David K P Li, Pro-Chancellor of the University.

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