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Mark the special day with extra meaning

May 2012

There are many ways to celebrate one’s wedding anniversary; however, Dr Hector and Mrs Ada Ma could have chosen one of the unique forms of celebration, which would not only melt the hearts of the pair, but also create a special gift for the University. At the couple’s wedding anniversary, they invited their friends to donate to The University of Hong Kong Foundation for Educational Development and Research (“HKU Foundation”) in lieu of buying gifts for their celebration dinners.

Dr Hector and Mrs Ada Ma

Many friends of Dr and Mrs Ma were touched by their thoughtfulness and generosity, and accepted their invitations graciously. Dr and Mrs Ma topped up the donation collected from their friends and raised a total of HK$450,000, which echoed their Sapphire anniversary.

Aside from this heart-warming anniversary gift from the couple, Dr Hector Ma, together with his friends, started similar giving initiative at his 70th birthday in 2005 by making a donation to the Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology. Such meaningful ways of giving are also embraced by many kind-hearted supporters of the University.

Explore different ways to give

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