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Start small but dream big

May 2017

Alison Li (BBA(Law) Yr 2) made use of the “First-in-the-Family Education Fund” (FIFE Fund) and went to summer school at Cambridge University. After her trip, she felt empowered to dream bigger. Other than providing low-cost legal services to the needy, she wishes she could extend her influence to other parts of the globe in the future.

“Let’s dream big. Today we receive the seeds from FIFE Fund. The supporters plant the trees. The supporters raise us. Tomorrow, fruits grow from us and we distribute them to other people in need. The seeds spread again. This cycle repeats endlessly. Our common future will be so harmonious, so powerful and so bright.”

Sharing by Alison at the FIFE Fund annual presentation ceremony in April 2017

Every year, the FIFE Fund supports 300 students like Alison to reach for their dream. Please give them your support!

More fund recipients’ stories on FIFE newsletter
