Mr Cho Chi Ming who shared his story was presented a HKU retro as a souvenir and with delights, put it on immediately.
May 2008
The First-in-the-Family Education Fund (FIFE Fund) encourages those who are the first in their family to attend university to embrace the intellectual challenges of higher learning. It enables them to benefit from learning opportunities outside the classroom, beyond their families’ affordability.
BACKGROUND University education is an investment in future generations.We live in a knowledge society and higher education now plays an even more crucial function in improving lives of future generations. Since HKU expanded the concept of curriculum to the totality of the undergraduate experience, an increasing emphasis is placed on students’ abilities to pursue knowledge, embrace cultural differences, and commit to advocacy for the improvement of human conditions at the global level. Students are therefore required to achieve learning through a variety of forms: fieldworks, internships, study trips, service-learning, exchange programmes. A significant portion of these modules take place outside Hong Kong. Details at: