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The Twelfth Inauguration of Endowed Professorships

Mar 2019

A total of 116 Endowed Professorships have been established since 2005. This year, the Endowed Professors are inaugurated in March.

Inauguration of

Leong Che-Hung Distinguished Visiting Professorship in Leadership 梁智鴻傑出訪問教授席 (領航) Appointment to be announced 待聘

Dr Leong Che-Hung 梁智鴻醫生

“University education is more than adding knowledge or engaging in vocational training. It encompasses the preparation of young people to meet the myriad of challenges in society and to take up leadership roles. This Distinguished Visiting Professorship will inspire students to excel in both.”

Dr Leong Che-Hung 梁智鴻醫生

Patrick S C Poon Professorship in Analytics and Innovation 潘燊昌基金教授席 (數據科學與創新) Incumbent: Shen Haipeng 沈海鵬

Dr Patrick Poon 潘燊昌博士

“Analytics and Innovation are the basic drivers for the continuous and sustainable progress of the society of human beings. May HKU continue to lead in the research and teaching of these important factors for a better world.”

Dr Patrick Poon 潘燊昌博士

Norman and Cecilia Yip Professorship in Bioinorganic Chemistry 葉志成范港喜基金教授席 (生物無機化學) Incumbent: Sun Hongzhe 孫紅哲

Norman and Cecilia Yip 葉志成伉儷

“We established this Endowed Professorship in celebration of the Faculty of Science’s 80th anniversary. Chemistry changed our lives and studying it, in particular, taught me the keys to thinking and action. We hope this Professorship will be the catalyst for even greater outcomes in the study of bioinorganic chemistry.”

Norman and Cecilia Yip 葉志成伉儷

Sein and Isaac Souede Professorship in Economic History 蘇威趙善敏基金教授席 (經濟史) Incumbent: James K S Kung 龔啟聖

Sein and Isaac Souede 蘇威伉儷

“We hope this Endowed Professorship will bring the power of fact-based thought leadership to bear. Sharing new knowledge freely will inspire discussions and give fresh insights into our understanding of society.”

Sein and Isaac Souede 蘇威伉儷

Ian Davies Professorship in Ethics 戴義安基金教授席 (倫理) Incumbent: Simon S K Lam 林誠光

The Ian Davies Professorship in Ethics was represented by Ms Maggie Crosswaite

This Professorship will expound all the qualities that our former Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian Davies epitomised: integrity, the spirit and principles of ethics, and the sharing of knowledge gained for the betterment of society. A man of great honour, his legacy will rightfully be perpetuated through this Professorship.”

Executors of the Estate of Professor Ian Davies 戴義安教授遺囑執行人

Ko Wong Wai Ching Wendy Professorship in Fluid Dynamics 高黃慧貞基金教授席 (流體動力學) Appointment to be announced 待聘

Professor Norman Ko Wah-man 高華文教授


Professor Norman Ko Wah-man 高華文教授

Henry Cheng Professorship in International Law 鄭家純基金教授席 (國際法) Incumbent: Zhao Yun 趙雲

Dr Henry Cheng Kar-Shun 鄭家純博士

“Giving back to society has always been at the heart of my family. Hong Kong is an international city and international law is in action affecting every aspect of our life. With its unique position in China and Asia, Hong Kong is best placed to be Asia-Pacific’s international legal and dispute resolution centre. It is now for Hong Kong to forge itself as one of the leading international law hubs in the world. I hope this Professorship will contribute to the maintenance of the rule of law and to Hong Kong’s place in the global legal environment.”

Dr Henry Cheng Kar-Shun 鄭家純博士

James Chen and Yuen-Han Chan Professorship in Music 陳健華陳遠嫻基金教授席 (音樂) Incumbent: Chan Hing-Yan 陳慶恩

Mr James Chen and Ms Yuen-Han Chan 陳健華先生及陳遠嫻女士

“We hope that through exceptional music education, the younger generations will grow to become sincere, kind and treasured talents. The establishment of this Professorship is only a prelude, and we hope that it can play a harmonious part in the development of music education in Hong Kong.”

Mr James Chen and Ms Yuen-Han Chan 陳健華先生及陳遠嫻女士

Successive Appointments

M B Lee Professorship in the Humanities and Medicine 李文彬基金教授席 (人文醫學) Incumbent: Robert S Peckham 白錦文

Mr M B Lee 李文彬先生

Tam Sai-Kit Professorship in Orthopaedics and Traumatology 譚世傑基金教授席 (矯形及創傷外科) Incumbent: Frankie K L Leung 梁加利

Dr Tam Sai-Kit 譚世傑醫生

Patrick S C Poon Professorship in Statistics and Actuarial Science 潘燊昌基金教授席 (統計及精算學) Incumbent: Yin Guosheng 尹國聖

Dr Patrick Poon 潘燊昌博士


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