May 2014
Oscar-winning filmmaker Ruby Yang (楊紫燁) was appointed the Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities (孔梁巧玲傑出人文學者) at HKU.
Ruby received her Academy Award in 2007 for The Blood of Yingzhou District《潁州的孩子》, which documented the lives of children in the remote villages of Anhui Province who have lost their parents to AIDS. Over the years she has also directed various documentaries and TV announcements for public causes.
In addition to her recent inaugural talk and film retrospective, Ruby has been teaching documentary video production at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre. Her new work My Voice ‧ My Life《爭氣》, featuring the transformation of a group of Band-3 students through musical training, will be released this October.
About the Scheme:
The “Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities” scheme was launched in 2008 through the support of the Hung Hing Ying and Leung Hau Ling Charitable Foundation. The scheme hosts visiting scholars, renowned in their fields, with the objectives of enhancing and enriching humanities studies at the University, which in turn contributes to the art and humanities culture of Hong Kong. The first incumbent of this scheme was Professor Lung Ying-tai (龍應台), a renowned cultural critic and the Minister of Culture of Taiwan.
Ruby Yang and students from the filming team of Fanling Kau Yan College
(From left) Professor Ying Chan, Director of Journalism and Media Studies Centre; Ms Ruby Yang; Ms Belinda Hung, a benefactor of the Scheme; and Professor SP Chow, Pro-Vice-Chancellor