Dedicated to the advancement of Hong Kong and its support to tertiary education, The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) carries a rich heritage of nurturing young talents. This year, 27 students from HKU were awarded with different scholarships supported by HSBC. Stories of some of the scholars are highlighted below to showcase the transformative impact brought by the scholarships.
Wendy Jian (BEd (ECE&SE) Year 3) migrated to Hong Kong when she was 9. She is grateful for having received the countless support from the community. Wendy wishes to pay back to the society through supporting the needy groups. She served as a summer intern at the “Teach For Hong Kong” and designed training programmes for aspiring educators. She also tutored children with special education needs at the “Edge Development Centre”. She is inspired to become a caring leader to support the underprivileged children and those with special education needs.
Lee Sum Yi (BSW Year 1) is always passionate about working with Non-Government Organisations that promote gender equality, diversity, and social inclusion. She aspires to become an empowering advocate and compassionate social worker, with a focus on teenagers and minorities. HSBC Social Work Scholarship provides her with the means to further her education to make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need. She intends to delve deeper into counseling techniques for enhancing her abilities to provide effective support and guidance to individuals facing challenging circumstances, helping them overcome adversity and thrive.
With a strong interest in biostatistics research, Alexandra Law (BSc Year 4) hopes to become an epidemiologist specialising in the transmission patterns of infectious diseases. Her undergraduate academic exchanges at various universities at the GBA and in Canada have further ignited her passion for biostatistics and epidemiology. As a recipient of the HSBC Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong) Scholarship, she is now ready to embark on her MPhil degree journey. She hopes to work in research labs in the GBA to broaden her career aspirations after graduation and initiate research ideas to solve real-life problems and enhance human’s quality of life.