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Establishment of D. H. Chen College

Establishment of D. H. Chen College

June 2022

The University is immensely grateful to The D. H. Chen Foundation for its generous donation of HK$100 million to establish the D. H. Chen College 陳廷驊學院.

Embracing the Foundation’s aim of building a compassionate society and promoting compassion-based values, this College will create a focal point for young people to explore and experience the Buddhist values of compassion, selflessness, peace and mindfulness.

The College is scheduled to open in September 2023, providing 300 hostel places for local as well as international undergraduate students. Special features include a college hall for high tables and large scale events, a meditation room and outdoor gardens with serene zen spaces for quiet and mindfulness activities. The College will be one of the four student residences at a new Student Village in Wong Chuk Hang.

A special event “A Moment of Gratitude – D. H. Chen College” was held at HKU Grand Hall on June 21, 2022 to celebrate the establishment of the College, featuring the premiere screening of “A Zen Moment”.

About the Foundation

The D. H. Chen Foundation ( is a Hong Kong family philanthropic trust established in 1970 by Dr. Din Hwa Chen, an ardent philanthropist and a devout Buddhist who also founded the Nan Fung Group. The Foundation has been steering and supporting numerous innovative, impactful and sustainable community initiatives to enrich lives through its five strategies, namely, “Initiate, Capacity Building, Innovate, Catalyst for Collaboration, and Impact-Driven”.

Aspiring to build a compassionate society and promote compassion-based values, the Foundation endeavors to put compassion into action through the work of our five Institutes – a realization of Dr. Chen’s philosophy – “Care for others as well as you would care for yourself”.

Press Release

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