January 2021
Mr Tam Wing-fan, Edmund 譚榮芬 (BArch 1956; Riccian) was a member of the first cohort of students at HKU’s Department of Architecture when it opened in 1950 under the Faculty of Engineering. More than 60 years later, he and his wife Mrs May Tam 譚麥美燕 donated over HK$100 million for the creation of the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing.
Located at G/F and LG/F of the Hui Oi Chow Building, the two-storeyed Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing 譚榮芬創科翼 covers over 2,400 sq m of floor area. Being one of the world-class integrated makerspaces in Hong Kong as well as in Asia, the Innovation Wing is fully equipped with comprehensive prototyping facilities and equipment of all engineering natures under the same roof.
The makerspace offers a spacious assembling area that can accommodate more than 100 students to work on their projects at the same time. Numerous workshops are equipped with state-of-the-art digital controlled facilities such as 3D printing machines, laser cutting and engraving machines, waterjet cutting machine, measuring tools, hand/power toolsets and specialised electronic workbenches, etc.
The Innovation Wing is also an incubator for creativity and innovation. With the funding support from Mrs May Tam, the Faculty established an Innovation Academy for nurturing future innovators to generate impactful ideas and products.

Mrs May Tam Opening of the Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing December 2, 2020
“I came with my husband Edmund to the dedication ceremony on April 27, 2018. It did not seem that long ago, but so much has changed. Edmund passed away earlier this year. I am sad he does not get to witness this event. It would have meant so much to him. Look beyond today, this building is a symbol of what is possible tomorrow. This is the Innovation Wing and you must Innovate!”
Please visit here for full story.