An “Endowed Professorship” is one of the most significant awards bestowed upon eminent academics within the University in support of their academic and research activities. A total of 120 Endowed Professorships have been established at HKU since 2005.
The Professorship may be perpetually named in honour of a donor,
corporation or other honouree(s) as recommended by the donor.
As a token of appreciation, the Endowed Professorships Commemorative Chair, crafted in the style of the Ming Dynasty, will be presented to the donor. Each Commemorative Chair is unique and personalised with a customised plaque engraved with the name of the Endowed Professorship. An Inauguration Ceremony will be held in honour of the donors and the Endowed Professors. A separate Dedication Ceremony can be organised at the donor’s wish.
The Endowed Professor will carry his/her full title on all occasions, including stationery, business cards, academic publications, news and international interactions. The donor will be kept abreast of the academic achievements of the Endowed Professor, who will have close personal contact with the donor.

The Endowed Professorships Commemorative Chair,
crafted in the style of the Ming Dynasty, symbolises the prestige of each Endowed Professorship and the
boundless potential contribution that each Endowed Professorship could offer to the academe and the community at large.
Inspired by the revered Harvard Chair, the HKU Endowed Professorships Commemorative Chair was specially designed in the style of the Ming dynasty, because the first character in the Chinese name of the Endowed Professorships Scheme "明德教授席" shares the same character with the Ming "明" Dynasty.
First presented at the Endowed Professorships Gala Dinner in April 2009 to all current donors of the Scheme, the Endowed Professorships Commemorative Chair is a token of appreciation from the University.
Each Endowed Professorships Commemorative Chair is unique and personalised with a customised plaque engraved with the name of the Endowed Professorship and will be presented to all new donors of the Endowed Professorships Scheme in the years to come.