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"It was the effective execution of a sound marketing strategy that engraved our brand image into the minds of consumers and set our brands apart from its competitors. In celebration of our 40th anniversary as a listed company, we hope that this Endowed Professorship can commemorate the development of Hong Kong brands while furthering the field of knowledge through the University and its outstanding professionals who share the same philosophy and research interests."

Mr Joseph C C Wong
Group Chairman and CEO
Stelux Holdings International Ltd

Mr Joseph C C Wong
Group Chairman and CEO
Stelux Holdings International Ltd
Bennett C K Yim

Stelux Professorship in Marketing

Professor Bennett Yim Chi Kin received a BBA (Marketing) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a PhD in Management (Marketing and Econometric) from the Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University. He currently holds the position of Professor in Marketing at the HKU Business School, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), and is also the Director of Undergraduate Admissions and International Student Exchange. Prior to joining HKU, Professor Yim also held research and teaching positions at Thunderbird School of Global Management and Rice University in the United States.


Professor Yim has diverse research interests spanning the areas of services marketing, marketing strategy and China marketing, and consumer brand choice and purchase behaviour modelling. Equally diverse are his research approaches that range from empirical modelling to consumer/executive survey, laboratory/field experiments, and netnogbraphy. He is widely recognised for his work assessing consumer price and promotion expectations, developing breakthrough innovations, strengthening customer loyalty, and managing customer participation in services. His research publications have appeared in premier journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, and Journal of International Business Studies. They have received various awards including finalist for the 1995 William F. O’Dell Award, HKU Research Output Prize 2005-2006, 2007 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference, Best Paper Award, HKU Research Output Prize 2008-2009, American Marketing Association’s Best Services Paper 2010, among others.


Professor Yim is an editorial review board member of various journals including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of International Marketing. He is a Fellow of the Center for Service Leadership, Carey School of Business, Arizona State University.


Professor Yim is also an experienced teacher in undergraduate, MBA, and executive development programs and he has received various teaching awards including Jones Graduate School (Rice University) Award for Excellence in Teaching, HKU Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE) Undergraduate Teaching Award, HKU Outstanding Teaching Award (Individual), and HKU & Fudan University IMBA Teaching Award.


Professor Yim has also served the Faculty and University in various capacities including Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) 2008-10, Associate Dean (Postgraduate) 2015-17, Vice Chairman and Chairman of the University Committee on Catering 2007-15, Warden of Simon K.Y. Lee Hall 2012-15, Vice Chairman of the Board of Academic Awards 2015-19, Chairman of the Promotion and Tenure Panel, Faculty of Social Sciences 2018-19, and members of the University Selection and Promotion Committee 2012-18 and Academic Board 2011-17, among others.

Bennett C K Yim


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